Philips Unveiled Light Blossom, an Innovative LED Street Lighting

One years ago, Philips announced Light Blossom, it transforms the personality of any community from industrial to ecological, harmonizing forces of nature and working with the planet, not against it. Light Blossom collects its own energy from the sun and wind by transforming its appearance throughout the day. At night, its efficient LEDs beam light only where needed - and only when needed - through proximity sensing.

(Credit: Philips)

Can harness renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, two energy sources that surround the light daily?

Outdoor city lighting has increased dramatically in recent years. Although artificial lighting has brought the ability to see our way in the dark, it has also reduced our ability to see the stars above us. It even has a significant impact on city ‘wildlife’, causing a false dawn that disrupt the natural behavior of birds and disturbs tree and plant habits, causing leaf fall all year long.

Philips designed and properly installed, outdoor lighting improves visibility, safety and gives a sense of security. But most streetlights shine their light not only on the nearby ground where it is needed, but also miles away and skywards – and their light is always at its brightest even when not needed. This results in a large portion of the light being wasted. In addition, most outdoor light sources aren’t.

Philips realize that street lighting is important for safety and that it enhances our sense of security. Public lighting sets the scene and beautifies our urban areas.

Today, over half of the world’s population lives in cities. For the first time ever, more people live in urban areas than outside them. And although cities make up less than 5% of the Earth’s surface, they use up to 75% of its resources. “The State of World Population 1999” report, issued by the United Nations Population Fund, predicts 61% of the world’s population will be city-dwellers by 2030. Fewer and fewer places on the planet are unaffected by the dynamics of cities.

The future challenge is to create greener cities. Currently, the energy demand from cities is expected to double by 2030.

Philips already provides energy efficient LED lighting solutions that are both energy efficient and reduce ‘light pollution’ at night. Philips introduced the next step in outdoor lighting as they imagine it: Light Blossom – a pole that harnesses renewable energy during the day, and shines only the necessary light at night.

Beyond landscape beautification, Light Blossom is a tool for forward thinking municipalities and other local authorities to show the world their commitment to a greener future.

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