Visible Light Solar emphasizes challenges and solutions for LED and Solar lighting

Visible Light Solar Technologies is tackling a huge and urgent problem.  Commercial and industrial lighting accounts for approximately 15% of total US electric consumption and is a significant and growing line item for every business.  Visible Light Solar believes that the solution to this challenge is changing our lighting products, combining low power LED lighting components with renewable power solar technologies that, together, cut the energy consumption of our lighting fixtures by up to 85%.


Businesses and communities are starting to embrace the future of lighting. Not only are they focused on conservation, but they are also concerned about how areas are lit and where the light is actually going.  More and more designers are taking into account residential areas, schools, and nature in their designs in attempt to better manage wattage usage and light spread.


Visible Light Solar, CEO Dee Dennis discusses the driving factors for developing current lighting products, such as the desire to reduce kilowatt hours and embrace the idea of putting energy availability back into the grid as opposed to using it.



According to Dee, lighting innovation has been stagnating for a while, but today LED lighting is changing how we view the world.


Dee also gives some examples of the savings customers are experiencing.  For example one customer went from 3000 watts to 213, this customer will realize those savings for years to come due to the longevity of LEDs.

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