Elemental LED Encourages Employees to DIY LED Lighting

Since May, San Francisco based company Elemental LED has launched a new monthly initiative to encourage employees to create their own projects that utilize LED lights.
According to the Employee DIY project, each participating employee will be given a modest budget to be spent on any of the LED lights and accessories in Elemental LED's catalog of products every month. At the end of each month, each employee is given the opportunity to show off his/her creation at a show and tell . Everyone present will vote on their favorites, and the winners will receive gift certificates to local restaurants and stores.

Projects that were shared for May included: A movie box lit by LED light bars; a color changing LED-lit alien helmet; a motorcycle headlight retrofitted with LED dome lights; an art piece inspired by Shaun Kasperbauer, and composed of empty plastic bottles and color changing LED strip light; a bike rider kit including LED strip light retrofitted to a bike helmet and messenger bag for safety; and several other submissions.

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