LED lighting in Russia Market keeps growing

Source from Russian business consulting web site has shown that, the demand for  LED lamps in Russian market in 2011 has been increased two times as 2010, which is attributed to the implementation of the policy and residents' shopping interests.

According to a report on the summary for LED lighting market in 2011 and outlook for 2012-2015 which issued by one research, mostly of LED lamps in Russian market come from Russian Distribution Companies, which place orders from Chinese company for cheap products and then attach their own trademark to sell. There are only two specializing LED lamp companies to manufacture products by themselves in Russia.

However, the production for LED lamps is encouraged by the federal department as demands for LED lighting keep on growing. According to the report, up to now, high price limits LED lamp market for rapid development .The average price of LED lamp is as three times as compact fluorescent lamp, and 50 times as incandescent lamp. With the improvement of technology, the price will fall down. LED lamp market will increase 8 times as 2011. Therefore, the LED lamp market will see a promising future.

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