Sohar Port and Freezone in Oman Upgrades to LED Streetlights

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The Sohar Port and Freezone located in Middle East nation Oman, announced that it will be installing LED streetlight systems within premises of the port and freezone, reported Times of Oman.

By the end of 2016, port authorities will replace 2,200 streetlights with lights supplied by Philips. The LED streetlights will have a lifetime of more than 60,000 hours, which is equivalent to 12-years of full operation and will significantly reduce maintenance costs for the port.

Port authorities have researched and conducted pilot test projects for lighting solutions over a span of two years, and has invested over $750,000 in the lighting upgrade, which is expected to slash energy consumption by 60%. The projects ROI within four years, mostly from reduced utility costs.

The lights are future-proofed and can be upgraded to smart LED streetlights that can automatically light up or dim when it detects persons or vehicles on the road.

The port’s long term plans for the lights includes powering the system independently from the grid using solar panels or other renewable energy sources.

Another benefit of switching to the energy efficient LED lights is it could improve port safety, enhance concession areas with better lighting at road junctions with low-glare quality of Philips LED lights.

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