SGL Group Receives Award from Wacker Chemie AG

As part of the “Wacker Supplier Day” SGL Group was given an award in the category “Best global partnership” by Wacker Chemie AG for the joint work in 2016.

Jörg Krey, Head of Technical Procurement and Logistics at Wacker Chemie AG: “Highest reliability, exceptional flexibility, and consistent on-time delivery combined with a fair and collaborative partnership are what make SGL Group stand out. We are therefore pleased to be able to acknowledge this special business relationship with an award in the category ‘Best global partnership’.”

(Image: SGL Group)

Burkhard Straube, Head of Graphite Materials & Systems (GMS) at SGL Group: “The award from Wacker Chemie AG is a great acknowledgement and it makes us proud. It is the result of the untiring and competent dedication of our employees over many years, and showcases our international range of services that enable us to serve Wacker Chemie AG on a global basis. At the same time, it is also an incentive for us to continue developing and drive forward the special partnership we have with Wacker.”

For many years SGL Group has been supplying Wacker Chemie AG in Europe, USA, and China with applications for chemical processes and graphite components for production plants. 

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