Philips Rejuvenates 400-year old Bridge in Turkey with Smart LED Lights

Philips rennovates historical old bridge in Turkey with smart LED lights. (All photos courtesy of Philips)

Royal Philips, the global leader in lighting has illuminated yet another historical monument as part of an initiative to enhance the identity of cities in Turkey. The project, jointly organized with the Governor’s office of Edirne, was launched to reveal the architectural details of the bridge accurately with no damage to its historical features.

The river below reflects colorful hues from the Philips bulbs. 

The connected lighting system from Philips was installed with no screwing or drilling activities, thus preserving the structural integrity of the bridge. Furthermore, the LED light fixtures have been specially selected for their weather-proof qualities, and resistance to floods and inundations.

The bridge lit in a warm LED light. 

“The preservation of historical monuments that are cultural assets should not be seen as the responsibility of conservation specialists alone. At Philips we believe that we can add a far wider dimension to the concept of preservation by infusing life into monuments with light and drawing on the contribution of townspeople.’’ said Özge Süzen, Marketing Director for Philips Lighting in Turkey. ‘’We would like to thank the Office of the Governor of Edirne for their support in managing the process and their appreciation of the role of light to help preserve and enhance our cultural heritage.’’

The lighting was installed to bring the arches into the foreground as the most important architectural feature of the bridge. The inner and outer dome of the Kitabe Pavilion in the middle of the bridge was also illuminated to further highlight the cultural and historical value of the bridge. The LED lighting system offers a palette of rich colors with which to light the pavilion and the arches.

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