Automotive and Semiconductor Lighting to be Most Profitable Sectors in Chinese LED Industry

News Source: 
Guangdong News (南方網)

The LED industry remains optimistic despite faltering macroeconomic growth for LED products. ”LED prices will drop around 20 percent this year. Semiconductors and automotive lighting will become the most profitable sectors within the lighting industry,” said Dr. Ke Zhang, Director of Business Development and Government Affairs, Asia Pacific at Osram. LED luminaire prices have already dropped to levels comparable to traditional lighting, and lighting will play a major role over the next ten years, said Dr. Guoqing Tang, Samsung LED China General Manager and Sr. Vice President. The industry however is still combating a lack of standards. 

”2014 has been noted as the transition year for semiconductor lighting development. As the LED industry rebounds, many manufacturers have already reported substantial growth in revenue performance for the first half of the year. The next two years will be a period of rapid growth within the industry. Previously, September had been the month that jump started the market, but now performance picks up earlier in May and June. Manufacturers’ volume of sales have already doubled compared with the same period last year,” said MOSO Power Supply Vice President Dai Xin.

LED lighting optical components are also a rising star in the market and are already moving towards national standardization.  

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