CIMCON Lighting Announces Support for NEMA's Standard ANSI C136.41-2013

CIMCON Lighting, Inc., a provider of intelligent, centralized Wireless Outdoor Lighting Management Systems, today announced its immediate support for the NEMA's recently published "ANSI C136.41-2013" standard for external locking type dimming and management controllers into its iSLC series of Street and Roadway Lighting product line.

As the leader in street light management and control, CIMCON Lighting recognized early on the need for dimming of LED lights; therefore, anticipating NEMA's approval of the standard and continuing its tradition of technology leadership, CIMCON began development of a new interface that would easily allow its lighting controllers to support connectivity to this new NEMA standard socket. CIMCON is now taking orders for this new version of controller, which will allow true "plug and play" of a controller with dimming support. This version of the controller will also leverage the two optional pins to allow easy integration with external sensors for advanced lighting controls.

"We believe that this standard represents a major milestone in the adoption of the wireless controls technology for outdoor lighting. This essentially addressed three major issues facing the customers, time consuming and costly mechanical changes to the fixture, issues with certification due to these modifications and impact on fixture manufacturer's standard warranty," said Anil Agrawal, Director, CIMCON Lighting. "As the industry continues to move towards LED lights, our new controllers will eliminate the need for installers to penetrate the fixture, thereby maintaining the certification and service life of the fixture."

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