Israeli Startup Powers Electronic Devices with Light

An Israeli startup company Wi-Charge is freeing homes from power cords with a new charging system powered entirely by light, according to a Yahoo report.

The company’s power charging design is built on the  principle of laser technology, and uses mirrors to direct and channel light beams emitted from LED light sources. The LED light beams are directed to a photovoltaic panel that acts as a receiver that converts the light beam into electric energy.

Traditional laser technology used to power devices could be harmful because of the high levels of energy required, and the need for precise alignment poses certain application limitations, wrote Wi-Charge.

The company’s lighting transmission design is able to overcome these limitations by using resonated mirrors that allow light to bounce back and forth to amplify photons transmitted from the LED light source, wrote Wi-Charge. According to the company, this new design also allows photons to automatically realign and locate the receiver. In comparison, traditional mirrors in lasers only allow photons to travel in a single direction or angle.

In addition, the new design automatically cuts off the light beam when an object comes in between the transmitter (LED light source) and receiver (PV panel). This video below offers a better visual presentation of the design concept.

Finally, one of the greatest benefits of using light to charge up devices is it does not emit radiofrequency (RF) or create electromagnetic interference (EMI). This new lighting technology will probably be a great solution for smart home owners.

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