SmartWatt Finishes LED Lighting Retrofit

SmartWatt Energy recently completed a LED lighting retrofit at Americold’s temperature-controlled storage facility in Russellville AR. The project generates higher-quality lighting while reducing overall lighting-related energy consumption by 690,000 kilowatt-hours—this is equivalent to removing more than 95 cars from Arkansas roadways.

Not only has Americold generated better lighting with significant, ongoing cost savings, but these upgrades to its lighting system are also eligible for incentive payments from Entergy Arkansas Inc’s Large Commercial & Industrial Standard Offer Program. The Commercial & Industrial SOP Program offers financial support in the form of a rebate to companies seeking energy efficiency upgrade projects.

Given SmartWatt Energy’s emphasis on preservation of the environment, Americold selected SmartWatt Energy as a partner in reducing energy consumption.

“This project allows Americold to operate more efficiently. We take a value-engineered approach to our lighting designs, which allows for maximum energy savings and utility rebates,” said Tarek El-Gohary, vice-president of East Coast operations for SmartWatt Energy.

“Sustainability is important to us,” said Fred Walker, Americold’s vice-president of engineering. “The ability to reduce costs and reduce greenhouse emissions is a key reason we chose SmartWatt Energy for multiple facilities nationwide.”

Based in Atlanta GA, Americold owns and operates 182 temperature-controlled warehouses, with more than 1.1 billion cubic feet of storage, in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, China, Argentina, and Canada. These warehouses are an integral component of the supply chain connecting food producers, processors, distributors, and retailers to customers. Americold serves more than 3,000 customers and employs 12,000 associates worldwide.

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