Houston gives green light for LED traffic bulbs

It’s reported that Houston plans to replace the light bulbs at all 2,381 of its traffic stops with LED bulbs that could save more than $4 million a year in electricity costs.

The LED traffic signals will cost 16 times more than incandescent bulbs and last six years longer. City Council approve a $16.4 million contract for pricier signals with Siemens Building Technologies Inc.

City officials noted that they want to use LED lighting that is to reduce costs and save money over the long run and to give Houston a competitive advantage.

The project is one of a handful of "green initiatives" in the works at City Hall, including establishing new energy-reducing building codes, installing solar panels, buying renewable power and hybrid vehicles and vastly stepping up city recycling programs.

Brandt Mannchen, a local leader in the Houston chapter of the Sierra Club, said they could be the energy-savings capital of the world if they could show that these technologies make sense and can save money. If Houston can do it, anybody can do it.

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