Taiwanese LED Companies Keep Focus on Automotive Applications

Automotive applications including exterior/interior lighting and displays are the targeted area of several LED companies. Rising development of alternative fuel vehicles and self-driving technology push the deployment of LEDs in automobile as the features of higher lifetime and lower energy consumption have become even more critical.

As results, several Taiwan-based LED companies have deepened their engagement in automotive LED applications, focusing lighting, sensing technology and display.

Tesla supplier EOI continues to expand its automotive product portfolio and extend its technology. With more than 150 verified automotive components, the company is also developing innovative LEDs for lighting and display. Its patented technology, UniFlex Linear, performs luminance uniformity, intensity and dynamic function to improve automotive lighting performance.

EOI has collaborated with automobile manufacturers in the U.S. and China, providing its light source for new coming cars. Supported by increasing orders, EOI’s revenue for 1H19 grew by 26 percent YoY.

Everlight is a stronger player in the automotive LED market as well. Its Mini LED backlight has been deployed in an automotive display which integrating dashboard and control panel. The company also created Mini LED-based taillights with fine-pitch display components which can deliver messages to pedestrians and other road users for the coming future of autonomous vehicles.

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