BIOS to Demonstrate New Low Profile LED Grow Lights for Vertical Farming in Oakland

BIOS Lighting, developers of world-class LED lighting solutions, will showcase its newest BIOS Icarus™ Vi low-profile LED fixture in Booth # 68 at the Cannabis Business Summit & Expo, June 20-22.  With a vertical dimension of only 1.5”, BIOS low profile fixtures can be mounted within 3’ or 4’ racking systems to deliver more uniform PAR levels over wide areas and multiple layers of production, maximizing a facility’s volumetric crop yield per cubic foot.

BIOS Icarus Vi provides the highest Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) photon efficacy in an industrial grade vertical farming fixture for higher plant quality and yields. BIOS LED fixtures with broad “white” spectrum (not purple) deliver up to 70% greater PAR photon efficacy and 50% overall system efficiency than 1000W HID. Broad white spectrum provides a more visually appealing and biologically superior light than outdated purple LED light fixtures and allows for more precise visual assessment of crop status within indoor grow operations.

Icarus Vi fixtures can be powered by an optional remote powering system based on VoltServer’s groundbreaking Digital Electricity over Class II wiring. The units can be powered from a climate-controlled server room using optical fiber cables or off-the-shelf CAT 5e wiring. This approach can significantly reduce equipment and labor costs, slash energy costs associated, lower grow house temperatures—all while consuming 40% less energy needed to produce an equivalent amount of delivered PAR than 1000W HPS.

“BIOS’ new low profile fixtures can be remotely powered, easily lifted and rack mounted, and safely deployed without risk to people or plants—all with biological benefits that result in superior plant quality, higher yields, and increased cost savings,” said Sean Tegart, President and CEO of BIOS. “When paired with the optional VoltServer remote powering system using off-the-shelf CAT 5e wiring, BIOS Icarus Vi represents a ‘next-generation purple light killer’ that sets a new standard for industrial grade LED lighting.”

The American Cannabis Company (ACC) recently tested BIOS Icarus against five other leading LED grow light products.  The ACC’s senior cultivation project manager noted, “It was no surprise that the BIOS Icarus fixture significantly beat out all the others in this test, and with some strains 40% more yield compared to the next best-performing LED fixture… Based on the impressive results we got, we are confident that under more optimal environmental and horticultural conditions, we would have yielded [greater than] 2lbs per fixture.”
Learn more about the BIOS Icarus Family of LED Fixtures in Booth #68, June 20-22 at the Cannabis Business Summit and Expo in Oakland, CA. BIOS executives and scientific staff will be on hand to discuss recent LED lighting deployments at Greenfield Alaska, Denver Relief, EnviroGrow in Connecticut, and Maine Organic Therapy—reinforcing the company’s continued growth and success in the commercial grade LED lighting market. BIOS also offers a testing program for qualified facilities, making it easy and cost effective to experience the benefits of BIOS LED lighting solutions risk-free.

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