
An architectural lighting designer's perspectives of LEDs

In recent years, the LED light source has dramatically changed the lighting industry, adding numerous possibilities in lighting and it is expected both by the industry and the household users to completely replace the traditional light source as a brand new light solution in the near future.
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Lighting Designer’s Point of View: Color it right! Silver Cave in Guilin, China

Author: CC Hwang, Art Director of BeLight.com There is a Chinese proverb expresses: "Anyone who has been to Silver Cave would never short of money" and Silver Cave is a national AAAA scenic spot in Guilin, China. 20 years ago, I had been here once when I didn’t possess any knowledge about lighting. I remembered that I couldn’t appreciate the beautiful karst landscape at all as the over-colorful lighting kept distracting me. There were several scenic areas in the Silver Cave and each was assigned with different name and story according to its shape and people’s imagination. I was totally overwhelmed by the overly-elaborated stories and the overly-lit colorful stones.
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Debate on LED for Lighting Design – A short Review

Author: BeLight.com The trend in lighting source is turning towards LEDs backed by a positive outlook by most consumers.. However, not every lighting designer we’ve met admits that LED is a perfect – at least, better – choice. We will compare the debates made against LEDs against previous project published on Belight.
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Let’s start from Observing!

Author: CC Hwang, Art Director of BeLight.com, Lighting Designer (Taiwan) Have you ever observed the light environment around you? How the sky color changes from dust to dawn? We always experience something, but are we aware of the experience we have?
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What a Good Lighting Is? – Presentation by C C Hwang on LEDforum Taipei 2013

Have you ever observed the light environment and thought if it’s good? C C Hwang, the Art Director of BeLight.com, did, and this experience may be one of the reasons why she decided to dedicate into lighting design. In LEDforum 2013 Taipei, Hwang shared her professional opinions on good lighting. Come with us and see the key idea!
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Using light to assist the movement of people: The St. Botolph Building

The St. Botolph Building, over 500,000 sq ft space with 14 stories high, is one of the largest office development in the City of London. Speirs + Major was appointed by Minerva plc to design the lighting scheme for the internal public area: the reception, central lift core, outer stair cores and atrium.
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Samsung has been driving digital heath innovation to help simplify health and wellness by bringing together insights and metrics to offer a more impactful and streamlined wellness experience. This approach starts by improving access to simple ... READ MORE