Lowe’s now offers UV-C LED disinfection systems, Developed by AquiSense Technologies

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The two distinct ultraviolet (UV) LED water disinfection products, PearlAqua Deca™ and PearlAqua AutoMate™ are now available online at lowes.com for point-of-entry and point-of-use applications.
AquiSense Technologies, the world leader in ultraviolet (UV) LED water disinfection systems, is happy to announce it has partnered with Lowe’s to sell their consumer product lines, the PearlAqua Deca and PearlAqua AutoMate online in the US. Lowe’s is one of the largest home improvement suppliers in the US and Canada with an average of 19 million transactions per week. The introduction of the PearlAqua Deca is the first UV-C LED system in the whole house water treatment category for Lowe’s.
The PearlAqua Deca is the world’s first UV-C LED system for whole-house point-of-entry applications. The Deca offers a low cost of ownership, low maintenance, all with 3rd party tested and reliable UV disinfection capabilities. The PearlAqua AutoMate provides consumers with all the benefits of point-of-use UV while also automating the disinfection process simply with the flow of water. The AutoMate offers ideal under the sink water treatment with an advanced UV-C LED reactor that is NSF certified to Standard 55-2019.
“Over the last few years Lowe’s has put an emphasis on recognizing the changing nature of home,” said Aaron Leber, Sales Director at AquiSense Technologies. “Lowe’s awareness and adaptability to quickly fine tune their product offerings made them a perfect partner to showcase our emerging technology,” concluded Leber.
To learn more about the PearlAqua Product Platforms or other UV LED technology, you can contact AquiSense at: info@aquisense.com
TrendForce 2022 Deep UV LED Application Market and Branding Strategies
Release: 25 April 2022
Language: Traditional Chinese / English


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