Signify Supplies LED Lighting to Support GoodLeaf Farms’ All Year Food Production

Signify reported that its horticulture LED lighting product was selected by GoodLeaf Community Farms in Canada to enhance food production. GoodLeaf grows and packs fresh greens year-round, operating a 4,000-square-metre indoor vertical farm in Ontario, Canada, which is now fully operational to supply some of the largest Canadian retail chains.

The vertical farm is fully automated and equipped with the latest LED lighting technology for growing indoors. By providing a controlled environment, Philips Greenpower LED production modules enable GoodLeaf to shorten production cycles

(Image: Signify)

GoodLeaf Farms started working with Philips products in 2013 at the company’s test facility in Truro, Nova Scotia. Signify has built up a substantial track record in more than 400 projects in the horticultural lighting market since 1995, developing ways to apply lighting technology to crop farming. With cutting-edge LED innovations, the company can custom-build a science-based solution for growers providing data and plant expertise to optimize yields.

This expertise is built on close collaborations with Signify’s horticulture partners and through research at its own vertical farming research facilities in Eindhoven, called GrowWise Center. Vertical farming, or city farming, means that plants can be grown indoors in a controlled environment without sunlight. This is ideal for propagating young plants, cultivating full head crops and growing healthier, pesticide-free crops. It maximizes production by using LEDs to light multiple layers of crops, achieving a higher yield with a smaller footprint.

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