LEDinside: UV LED Market Value in 2023 Will Reach USD 991 Million

Summary: According to LEDinside’s latest report- 2019 Deep UV LED Application Market- Sterilization, Purification, and Water Treatment Markets, due to global recession, UV LED manufacturers’ revenue in 2018 failed to grow as expected, but the increase was stable. In terms of the demand market outlook, the curing market will grow steadily and the major growth momentum will be surface / air ste........

According to LEDinside’s latest report- 2019 Deep UV LED Application Market- Sterilization, Purification, and Water Treatment Markets, due to global recession, UV LED manufacturers’ revenue in 2018 failed to grow as expected, but the increase was stable. In terms of the demand market outlook, the curing market will grow steadily and the major growth momentum will be surface / air sterilization, static water sterilization and flowing water sterilization. UV LED m........
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