Lighting Fair 2009: Toshiba Unveils its LED Spotlight for TV Studios

Toshiba Corp of Japan unveils the "AL-LED-FS-6," an LED spotlight intended for use in TV studios at Lighting Fair 2009 from March 3 to 6, 2009, at Tokyo Big Site. The "Cool Studio," a studio whose temperature is kept low by using LED lights, will be demonstrated at the exhibition.

Toshiba’s AL-LED-FS-6, an LED spotlight intended for TV studios

Toshiba notes the "AL-LED-FS-6" features a power consumption of 100W and a brightness equivalent to a spotlight with a 500W halogen bulb. The general color rendering index (Ra) of the spotlight is 85, and the color temperature is 5,500K. The illuminating radiation contains almost no heat rays or ultraviolet rays; therefore, it doesn't make people feel hot or cause color fading on irradiated objects. On the other hand, halogen bulbs emit heat rays and ultraviolet rays, making people feel hot and fading the colors of irradiated objects.

The new spotlight is equipped with a high output LED module. The illumination intensity at the center is 860lx when the distance to the object is 3m and the diameter of the spotlight is 2m. The illumination density is almost equivalent to that of the company's spotlight equipped with a 500W halogen bulb, which is about 870lk, according to the company, the rated life of the LED lamp is 20,000 hours, which is much longer than the 300 hours of the company's halogen bulb. Therefore, it is possible to substantially reduce the cost and effort for replacing lamps,.

The spotlight has a power supply voltage of 100V. It measures 404 x 444 x 420mm and weighs 7.0kg. It will be released June 15, 2009, in Japan. There is no suggested retail price, but the expected street price is about ¥500,000 (approx US$5,131). Toshiba aims to sell 300 units in fiscal 2009.

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