Aikang Releases LED Track Lights

Aikang, a premier LED manufacturer in China and Taiwan, is proud to launch LED Track Lights.

Lighting plays an extremely significant role in any home improvement. The spot lights are considered one of the best choices to utilize while trying to make a visually appealing setup. Even amongst the spotlights, the LED Track Lighting is a remarkable way to get a series of spotlight to make a repetitive design.

Director of sales for Aikang Lighting stated that the LED track lighting fixture is an inseparable part of retail lighting and studio lighting applications.

“A lot of art galleries as well as retail chains are switching from fluorescent and halogen track lighting fixture to LED Track Light,” he stated.

“Though initially expensive, this kind of lighting lessens heat and at the same time enhances color rendering, both essential elements in preservation and in display,” he added.  

Aikang, a leading LED lighting provider geared toward trade experts including lighting architects, designers, contractors and interior designers, is an expert in high end energy efficient LED lighting products and items.

LEDs consume only a part of the power of standard gallery bulbs like halogen and HID lamps, eliminating the risky radiation of such kind of bulbs. These are dimmable like the conventional lighting and once dimmed, unlike halogen lamps or incandescent lamps, retain the right spectrum of glow, so true shades are shown consistently and accurately.

Aikang LED Track Lights are available in various models and styles. Some of the best models offered by this company include 111MM Led Exposed Dual Track Lights, AR111 Led Cob Straight monocular track light, 85MM LED Con track light, 70M, 65MM and 50MM Led track lights. All these have a beam angle of 24 degrees.

The head of Aikang stressed that the company strongly believes that this kind of lighting is the last step in energy effective lighting solutions as well as an ideal replacement for any lighting applications. This can lessen energy consumption by 90%, while augmenting color rendering as well as light quality.

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