The CAO Group, Inc. announces that its Dynasty® LED lamp is the driving force behind the dazzling display on the new Louis Vuitton store at the Crystals City Center in Las Vegas. The display was unveiled December 3rd as the centerpiece and crown jewel of the new Daniel Libeskind-designed Crystals shopping complex at the City Center on the Las Vegas Blvd, "The Strip".
The full video display, designed by internationally acclaimed lighting expert John Fox of Fox & Fox Design, features 5,000 Dynasty® lamps and is nearly 80'x 80' in area coverage. It was built to display full video motion, as well as "flash-bulb" bursts that are evocative of the Eiffel Tower strobe lighting, visible nightly in Paris. The unique ALL-WHITE LED video facade took two years to complete from inception and six months to construct. It will last for years to come because the façade uses less than 5000 watts and uniquely contains patented Dynasty® LED lamps that feature a 360-degree emission light beam pattern and easily replaceable lamps.