Samsung’s New Bendable OLED Display is Expected to Boost Gadget Demand Once Commercialized

Samsung, the Korean display giant showcased a host of futuristic products, including OLED displays that can be rolled like a parchment, OLED displays for virtual reality gadgets and vehicles as well as hologram technology, reported Yahoo Tech.

Unlike the “edge” series it has adopted on the Galaxy phone line up, what Samsung demonstrated on SID 2016 in San Francisco is a foldable display which, once commercialized, opens up new possibilities.

The 5.7-inch rollable screen offers full HD resolution while the OLED panels hides away in a metal cylinder with a radius of 10 mm when bended. The flexible OLED screen weighs only 5 grams and is 0.33mm thick.

The rollable screen has potential to bring new form factors to the smartphone market. Broken smartphone screen will be a thing in the past as the display won’t be as rigid as the old days.

Other than the bendable display, Samsung also demonstrate a transparent display and a reflective display that works like a mirror.

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