Neo Neon supplies LED streetlights to Swedish municipalities

Neo Neon supplies their market leading LED Streetlights to Swedish municipalities through their Swedish agent RBIecolight.

In 2007, Neo Neon’s LED Streetlights in Sweden were firstly installed in Kjellbergsgatan, Jönköping Municipality, and have now been in use for two years. The reaction of the public and the Municipality has been very positive. Because of many successful projects completed by RBIecolight, Neo-Neon now has many projects which they are evaluating with clients in a number of different countries.

Neo-Neon LED Streetlights place light directionally, onto the ground where it is needed, without the estimated 30% of outdoor light pollution from other forms of lighting. A Neo-Neon LED Streetlight reduces drastically light pollution and aids the global Dark Skies Initiative. The energy efficiency Neo-Neon LED Streetlights stems from the technological advancements in White LED Production process, the custom designed optics such as L-BOT™ technology, and other green processes to create the most economical product possible.

The greatest advantage of the LED Streetlight by Neo-Neon is energy saving. Neo-Neon’s LED streetlights can reduce energy usage by at least 50% compared to high pressure sodium. Another important benefit of LED streetlights by Neo-Neon is the reduction of maintenance over time and it is possible to save up to 75% of the total service costs that exist with traditional streetlight fixtures.

As with all newer technologies the initial investment is slightly higher than installing existing lamp based fixtures but coupled with the compounded energy savings, greatly reduced maintenance costs, extended lifetime of LED vs. lamps, dramatic reduction of light pollution and enhanced colour rendering of LED Lighting the additional costs are recovered many times over in life of the lamp with high environmental benefits.

Neo-Neon is aware of the toxins such as Mercury that are involved in the construction of traditional lamps. Not only should they as a people be focusing on energy savings, they should also be focusing on true “green” technologies. Neo-Neon LED Streetlights contain no mercury and are completely recyclable. The company says its LED Streetlights assuredly will have a place in that solution to the global economic crisis.

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