Main Street in Michigan Could See Brighter Days with LED Streetlights

The option to have LED lights replacing the streetlights on Main Street, Romeo, Michigan, U.S. has been discussed by the Romeo Downtown Development Authority (DDA).

This idea was brought out by Janine Saputo the DDA Coordinator after she looked into light-emitting diode (LED) lights as a energy efficient lighting option when pursuing a downtown revitalization grant opportunity from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC).

As the grant required a detailed budget for a shovel-ready project with established concept plans, the time frame didn't allow for them to apply by the April 3 deadline. However, the grant did inspire Saputo to look at LED adaptations of the 79 streetlights in Romeo's central business district.

And Village President Paul Reiz was concerned about the negatives outweighing the positives by switching to the technology.

"We're not sure whether these streetlights are readily adaptable . . . you'll find that a lot of light fixtures aren't easily adaptable to the LEDs and could shorten the life of them," he said. His another concern is that LED lights would be too bright compared to the current lights on Main Street.

Ann Arbor is currently becoming one of the first cities in the U.S. to use 100-percent LED lighting. They have replaced 1,000 streetlights in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, and expect an annual savings of $100,000 from the initial 1,000 LED streetlights installed.

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