IR WORKshop First Time in the US

LASER COMPONENTS USA, specialized provider of laser and optoelectronic components in the US and Canada, announces that it will sponsor the 4th International WORKshop on Infrared Technologies for a broad audience of leading IR experts. The event will take place at Arizona State University on November 8 - 9, 2017 in Tempe, AZ, USA.

(Images: Laser Components USA)  

Based on a proven concept in Germany, LASER COMPONENTS USA introduces the IR WORKshop to the US with 40 paper presentations and more than 20 research poster presentations on IR detectors, sources and filters, instrument subsystem designs, and spectroscopy and sensing applications.

The purpose of the event is to create a community conversation about industry challenges and breakthroughs, technical concepts, and scientific ideas. To ensure a high-quality and well-balanced program, the WORKshop has attracted the tremendous support of a well-respected Advisory Board, the MIRTHE+ Photonics Sensing Center at Princeton University, and the ASU Center for Photonics Innovation.

"The concept is fairly unique", says Susan Wells, Scientific Coordinator of the IR WORKshop. "With fast paced presentations, we wanted to design a platform that connects researchers and industry professionals in an interactive and collaborative environment. We are also delighted to open up the event to students who we want to give a chance to show their entrepreneurial spirit and creativity".

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