LEDinside: Revenue of Taiwan LED manufacturers rebounded in March; 2Q Sales is Expected to Continue Upward Trend

Summary: Based on the statistic of LEDinside, the research division of TrendForce, the revenue of the listed LED manufacturers in March 2011 has reached NTD 9.34 billion (MoM +27.13%, YoY+13.4%). As can be seen from the chip makers’ revenue, the revenue of listed LED chip makers has increased by 23.7%, compared with that of February 2011, and to NTD 4.294 billion (MoM+23.7%; YoY+19.8%). On the othe........

Revenue of Taiwan LED manufacturers rebounded in March; 2Q Sales is Expected to Continue Upward Trend Based on the statistic of LEDinside, the research division of TrendForce, the revenue of the listed LED manufacturers in March 2011 has reached NTD 9.34 billion (MoM +27.13%, YoY+13.4%). As can be seen from the chip makers’ revenue, the revenue of listed LED chip makers has increased by 23.7%, compared with that of February 2011, and to NTD 4.294 billion (MoM+23.7%;........
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