Slough Borough in UK Converts 11,300 Streetlights with LEDs

A photocall on March 17, 2016 marked the start of a two-year project to replace all of the borough’s 11,300 street lamps with LED energy efficient ones.

As well using 65-70% less electricity than standard street lights, the new LEDs come with a centralised computer system that allows the council to control and dim lights remotely should the need arise.

A group photo of city council members and Volker Highways staff and workers that are installing the LED streetlights. (Photo courtesy of Slough Borough)

The new lights also require half as much maintenance and are expected to last 100,000 hours – about 20 years.

The project - which is a joint initiative between Slough, Reading and Wokingham borough councils - officially gets underway at the beginning of April, although about 20 new lamps have already been installed in Leigh Road, Long Furlong Drive and in some other streets across the borough.

The three councils were awarded GBP 19.3 million (US $27.21 million) from the Department for Transport’s (DfT’s) highways challenge fund in March 2015, after Slough Borough Council successfully led a joint bid.

The funding will cover 70% of the cost of upgrading lighting in all three boroughs, with the remaining 30% coming from each council.

Slough will use its GBP 6.2 million share to replace all of its street lanterns, all concrete columns and any steel columns that are in poor condition.

Work to install the new lights will happen simultaneously in each borough and is expected to take until April 2018, depending on weather conditions.

Volker Highways have been contracted to do the work.

Councillor James Swindlehurst, deputy leader and commissioner for neighborhoods and renewal, said: "Slough worked hard to win a substantial package from government to fund this major modernization of our street lighting.

“These new LED lights will deliver a step-change in how our borough is lit at night - with clear, soft, white light, under our variable control - making our paths and streets feel safer for pedestrians at night.

“The LED lamps are also much more energy efficient - helping us to save money and reduce our carbon footprint.

“And the clarity of light delivered by these new light fittings, means the murky yellow and orange glow we’re used to at night will soon be a thing of the past in Slough.

“I’m delighted the project is now getting underway and I look forward to seeing the difference the new lights make as they’re installed across the borough.”

A timetable of where and when the new lights will be installed is currently being drawn up by Volker Highways.

Broken streetlights should initially be reported via Slough Borough Council’s call center on 01753 475111. If you can’t ring, please fill in a report form on the council’s website.

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