Social Distancing Solutions Supported by LiDAR Technology

LiDAR supplier Quanergy Systems announced the expansion of its Flow Management™ Platform to support solutions that enforce social distancing amid the crisis of COVID-19 pandemic to halt the spread of disease. These solutions will assist businesses and public entities around the world in returning to work while keeping people safe.

Quanergy’s Flow Management Platform combining 3D LiDAR sensors and AI-powered QORTEX™ Perception Software enables the development of social distancing solutions to anonymously and accurately track and analyze the flow of people in real time within retail locations, airports, public venues, commercial and government buildings, and industrial warehouses.

(Image: Quanergy)

When the distance between individuals is less than the allowed social distance, or the number of people in an area exceeds a given limit, an alert is issued and personnel may be dispatched. The solution can also integrated with thermal cameras to identify individuals with high-body temperatures, helping curb the spread of the virus.

“In order for communities and cities to re-open and for the public to feel safe re-entering society, there must be a way to responsibly enforce social distancing,” said Dr. Kevin J. Kennedy, Chairman and CEO of Quanergy. “We believe LiDAR can play a key role in accelerating our return to work and restarting our economy. Quanergy is working closely with our current and new global partners to deploy solutions to instill confidence for businesses and the public in returning to our lives outside our homes.”

The social distancing solutions will be available across the world with Quanergy’s partners including Quantum Labs in Australia, iCENT in Korea, CRON in India, Axone from France and the U.S. based iinside.

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