New Apple Watch Not to Adopt Micro LED Technology Yet

Apple is reportedly preparing the new iPad and MacBook adopting Mini LED technology coming later this year or later while its progress in Micro LED technology has yet enter the next phase. It was said that the Apple Watch Series will feature OLED screen which is similar to the previous model, instead of Micro LED.

An anonymous Twitter account who has revealed several Apple products details accurately twitted on May 31 suggesting that Apple will use display from JDI, who supplies OLED panels for Apple Watch.

(Image: Apple)

Since Apple initiated Micro LED development, Apple Watch was believed to be the first Apple product adopting the next-gen technology. And it was rumored that Apple would first employ new technology on Apple Watch before iPhone, like how the company process OLED technology. However, the up-coming Apple Watch Series 6 might not adopt Micro LED technology yet so it would still take a while before Micro LED shows up on iPhone.

Apart from the display technology, health monitoring functions including blood oxygen level and panic detection could be features of the new Apple Watch. For more accurately measuring biometric data, TrendForce indicated that demands for sensing components such as infrared LEDs and red LEDs will increase. TrendForce projects the revenue of photoplethysmography (PPG) technology will grow from US$38.1 million in 2019 to $63.33 million in 2020, up by 66.2% YoY.

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