Samsung Display to lead national project to develop oxide TFT for 1,000ppi OLED

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Image: Samsung

Samsung Display said on Wednesday that it has chosen to lead a national project to develop oxide thin-film transistor (TFT) technology for 1,000ppi OLED panels.

The South Korean display panel maker will aim to develop the oxide TFT which will support electron movements ten times faster than it is currently available now by 2024.

Samsung Display will aim to lower power consumption and production costs for the oxide TFT.

Displays on mobile devices have more densely packed pixels and TFT circuits, higher the resolution they support.

Current electron movement on oxide TFTs are around 10 centimeter-square/Vs

The project is one of 66 given by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy to develop next-generation display technologies by 2025.


Source: THE ELEC, Korea Electronics Industry Media(

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