University of Miami Joins LED University Program

University of Miami has joined the LED University(tm) program to install new LED pole lights to improve walkway illuminatin on the main campus and retrofitting LED lighting at various interior locations, according to Cree, a leader in the LED lighting field and also the initiator of the program.

The university has installed twenty BetaLED(tm) LEDway fixtures on the main campus in Coral Gables, and is evaluating LED lighting for interior applications such as conference rooms, hallways and classrooms.

The LED University initiative is a growing international community of universities working to evaluate, deploy, and promote LED lighting across their campus infrastructures to save energy, protect the environment, reduce maintenance costs, and provide better light quality for improved visibility and safety.

"With new LED lighting on our main campus, we achieve far better area illumination -- enhancing visibility and safety at night," said Humberto Speziani, vice president, business services. "The LED lights are more energy-efficient than other technologies, reducing our carbon footprint in line with the state's aggressive goals.”

The participants of the LED University program also include: North Carolina State University; Marquette University; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of Arkansas; Madison Area Technical College; Notre Dame; University of California, Davis; University of Alaska at Anchorage and Tianjin Polytechnic University in China.
These universities are evaluating and deploying LED lighting in line with the goals of the program which include increasing energy savings, protecting environment, reducing maintenance costs, and providing better light quality for improved visibility and safety.

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