Ambion Lighting Showcases LED Salt Lamp for Healthier Living

Nuptse, a salt lamp released by Abion. (All Photos Courtesy of Ambion)

A brand that seamlessly blends quality into design and design with life. We believe in accentuating the harmony between the beauty of nature and contemporary design. The name ambion implies the positive ambience that is achieved through a high concentration of negative ions, as found in nature, and created by our range of lamps.
Our international team of English and Chinese designers and engineers have the ambition to make the unique treasure that is the Himalayan salt crystal an item that can be experienced and cherished by people across the world.
We create out designs on practical demands as well as the beauty of simplicity. We listen closely to what our customers have to say, and are always aiming to create new, innovative products catering for all walks of life.

What is Salt Lamp?
A brand that Salt from Himalayan Mountains, usually with a drilled hole to insert a halogen bulb to be a natural lamp.
It can emit Negative ions through water evaporation from attract humidity in the air.
Negative ions is beneficial to human health: balance Positive ions (TV, computer, microwave), purify the air and also makes people feel relaxed.   

How does Salt Lamp work?


LEDs Salt Lamp
Experience uninterrupted views of all sides of the beautiful glowing crystal.
The simple base unit elevates the crystal with minimal impact on its six faces.

Nanda Devi
A different viewing experience from every angle. Each circular opening accentuates the varying sides of Nanda Devi’s radiant crystal.


Two distinctive crystal exposed faces housed by a simple extruded outer shell. The combined effect of the heated essential oil and gentle glow is enough to relax anyone.

Naturally rough crushed crystal filled raised holder. The matte textured transparent top section captures and spreads the wonderful glow of the crystals.



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