MR4 is a light pole control unit, easily installed on the luminaire with standard NEMA socket without any modification to existing equipment. It controls LED driver or electronic ballast to adjust the brightness and even turn on/off.
InteLink Technology Releases Smart Streetlight Controller. (InteLink/LEDinside)
The MR4 provides various measurements, luminaire parameters and maintenance status. The MR4 sends information to the management platform and receives command to control the luminaire.
With an easy installation, it could turn a normal street light into a smart street light. This system puts all connected street light into a network, provides user with a user- friendly web-based platform which is able to monitor and manage the lighting remotely in real-time.
Moreover, group/individual scheduling could be pre-set by manual or automatic depending on different circumstance. The manager could execute more efficient service by using the real-time data. With this we could improve maintenance efficiency, reduce waste of man hours, extending life of the lighting unit.