Smartphones, LED Bulbs Are Top Sellers for Affordable Electronic E-Retailer

Yoshop, an Asia-based online electronics retailer serving a global market, recently released a report that analyzed its sales over the first quarter of 2017. Not surprisingly, smartphones headed the list but a number of other consumer products showed significant popularity among Internet shoppers.

(Image: Yoshop)
Yoshop ( also sells fashion wear, jewelry and home products.
A majority of sales were for 3C electronic products (computer, communication and consumer), most of which are manufactured in ChinaVietnamCambodia and the Philippines. With competitive prices and high quality, these products are gaining an excellent reputation in the international market.
Phones are No. 1
Mobile phones accounted for 29 percent of Yoshop's electronics sales in the first quarter. The top brand is XiaoMi, which represented 25.5 percent of the telephone purchases. In addition to smartphones, the XiaoMi smart band has become a favorite.
'Smart life' products gaining market share
Along with smartphones and smart bands, energy-efficient lighting is also a big seller. Yoshop offers the XiaoMi Yeelight RGBW Smart LED Bulb, which uses 90 percent less energy than a standard incandescent bulb and one-third of the electricity of a compact fluorescent bulb (CFL).
(Image: Yoshop)
In addition, LEDs last 5-10 times longer than CFLs and more than 40 times longer than an incandescent bulb. Monthly sales of these LEDs have reached more than $10,000 and are on the rise.

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