Graphene LED Light Bulbs to Hit the Market in Late 2015

A Canadian-financed company, Graphene Lighting, has succeeded in commercializing graphene LED light bulbs, and will be launching the lights on the market sometime later this year, reported BBC.

These new bulbs will be priced at GBP 15 (US $22.23) each.

LED Heterostructure Schematic. (Photo Credit: Manchester University)

The dimmable bulb incorporates a filament-shaped LED coated in graphene, which was designed by Manchester University, where the strong carbon material was first discovered.

The bulbs are said to consume 10% less energy and last longer because of its conductivity properties, which allows it to conduct heat and electricity more efficiently.

In addition, graphene LED bulbs are said to be less costly to manufacture than conventional LEDs, and use “more sustainable material,” said Professor Colin Bailey, deputy vice-chancellor at the University of Manchester.

The bulb was developed by Graphene Lighting, a Canadian-financed company, where Bailey is one of the company directors.

Graphene has been used as a light emitting material in the industry for a while, and has mostly been applied in making OLED panels.

In early February this year, a research team led by Nobel Laureate Sir Kostya Novoselov at the University of Manchester announced it had succeeded in making atomic level graphene LEDs. The LEDs consist of 2D crystals that are only 10 to 40 atoms thick, have the potential to be applied in semi-transparent or transparent electronic display materials.

How this new carbon material will impact the LED industry is still too early to say.

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